Year Group Information for 2024/25


On this page, you can find year group specific information, home learning tasks and important reminders for the coming half term. We strongly recommend that your child keeps their PE kit in school throughout the week so that they have it available in case of a timetabling change. Please ensure that your child has warm, weatherproof clothing for outdoor sessions. Outdoor P.E. Kit should include: house t-shirt, jogging bottoms, a tracksuit top/hoody and trainers. Tape needs to be provided by parents for any children that are unable to take out ear piercings.

Key Stage 2 children are also required to have their reading book in school every day and to take it home every evening to promote strong reading habits on a daily basis.


Class Teacher: Mrs Yates-Boothby (Early Years Leader)

Support staff: Mrs Porter, Miss Kelly, Miss Smith, Mrs Mason

Half term focus: Marvellous Me!

Year group reminders: Children are to come into Nursery on a Wednesday in suitable outdoor clothes ready for ‘Wild Wednesday’. Wellies can be kept in school.

Updates and observations will be communicated via Tapestry.



Class Teachers: Mrs Hayward (REH) and Mrs Brown (REB)

Support staff: Mrs Grimshaw, Mrs Evans, Miss Nolan, Mrs Jones

Half term focus: Marvellous Me!

Year group reminders: Outdoor learning sessions will start from the first week in October. Children are to come to school in their uniform and bring suitable outdoor clothes ready for the afternoon. REH outdoor learning sessions will take place on a Wednesday and REB on a Thursday. Wellies can be kept in school.

PE kits will not be required until after Christmas.


Year 1

Class Teachers: Mr Turner (1T) and Mrs Hadley (1H). Mrs Tarbuck will teach 1H on a Monday.

Support staff: Mrs Collins, Mr Grew, Mrs Rosser

Topic question for this half term: Where in the world do we live?

Year group reminders: Reading books will go home on a Friday and will need to be returned to school on a Monday.


Year 2

Class Teachers: Miss Male (2M) and Mrs Walsh/Mr Ashley (2WA)

Support staff: Mrs Burt, Mrs Brookes, Mrs Orme

Topic question for this half term: Is Hednesford a desirable place to live?

Year group reminders: Reading books will go home on a Friday and will need to be returned to school on a Monday.


Year 3

Class Teachers: Miss Davies (3D) and Miss Carnall/ Mrs Cresswell (3C)

Support staff: Mrs Langston, Mrs Nycz, Miss Humphreys

Topic question for this half term: How did the Ancient Egyptians use the River Nile to develop a successful civilization?

Year group reminders: Children should aim to read for a minimum of twenty minutes reading a night to develop fluent reading habits. Reading books are required to be returned to school every day for reading sessions.

Children should also be playing TT Rock Stars regularly to become fluent in their recall of Times Tables facts. The ideal amount of time to play is around 2 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Children can now access Spelling Shed from home to help support their weekly spellings. Please let us know if you need another copy of their log in details.


Year 4

Class Teachers: Miss Smith (4SM) and Mr Sutton (4SU)

Support staff: Miss Mayne, Miss Shran

Topic question for this half term: Why is it important to protect the heathland in Hednesford?

Year group reminders: Children should aim to read for a minimum of twenty minutes reading a night to develop fluent reading habits. Reading books are required to be returned to school every day for reading sessions.

Children should also be playing TT Rock Stars regularly to become fluent in their recall of Times Tables facts. The ideal amount of time to play is around 2 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Children can now access Spelling Shed from home to help support their weekly spellings. Please let us know if you need another copy of their log in details.


Year 5

Class Teachers: Miss Page (5P) and Miss Broadway (5B)

Support staff: Mrs Taylor, Mrs Francis, Mrs Dunning, Miss Martin

Topic question for this half term: Is the British Monarchy still powerful and important in today’s society?

Year group reminders: Children should aim to read for a minimum of twenty minutes reading a night to develop fluent reading habits. Reading books are required to be returned to school every day for reading sessions.

Children should also be playing TT Rock Stars regularly to become fluent in their recall of Times Tables facts. The ideal amount of time to play is around 2 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Children can now access Spelling Shed from home to help support their weekly spellings. Please let us know if you need another copy of their log in details.


Year 6

Class Teachers: Miss Griffiths (6G) and Mrs Sumner (6S). Mrs Stevens and Mrs Tallent-Wells also teach in Year 6.

Support staff: Mrs Watkins, Miss Williams

Topic question for this half term: Should we remember Victorian Times as a ‘golden age’ of tremendous change for the better or a ‘dark age’ of human suffering?

Year group reminders: Children should aim to read for a minimum of twenty minutes reading a night to develop fluent reading habits. Reading books are required to be returned to school every day for reading sessions.

Children should also be playing TT Rock Stars regularly to become fluent in their recall of Times Tables facts. The ideal amount of time to play is around 2 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Children can now access Spelling Shed from home to help support their weekly spellings. Please let us know if you need another copy of their log in details.